Mit Eugene Quinn

WannMittwoch, 26. Juni 2019, 16.30 Uhr WoTreffpunkt: 16.20 Uhr – Rathausstraße 14, 1010 Wien (U2 Rathaus)

A cool look at contemporary Vienna, beyond the clichés.

Ranked #1 worldwide for liveability by Mercer Consulting, every year since 2010, Vienna is one of the fastest-growing cities in the EU. How has the administration managed to combine fast growth and high-quality living? We’ll discuss the concept of a ‘Smart City’, and attractive local features like Danube-swimming, cheap tasty eats and new green politics.
How is the city creatively responding to the challenges of modern life? What remains of the Red Vienna socialist project from the 1920s?

Why do so few Viennese believe that they live in the best city in the world? Perhaps because the messages the city sends out are still mostly from the 19th Century? This is a critical and intelligent new look at a place which has changed more than many visitors and locals realise. But the Austrian capital has retained its cosiness and now specialises in finding innovative new uses for beautiful old buildings. Let’s celebrate a big city that still respects its citizens and makes life easy.

This Walk is in easy English, led by Eugene Quinn.

Mittwoch, 26. Juni 2019, 16.30 Uhr

Treffpunkt: 16.20 Uhr – Rathausstraße 14, 1010 Wien (U2 Rathaus)
Dauer: 2 bis 2 ½ Stunden

10,- € pro Person

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kultur@oegb.at  oder 01/534 44 39245

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